Contact Shondra

Phone: 202 596 1913
Washington D.C. | Northern Virginia

D-U-N-S #:962188509
Have, will and do travel out of state or country for events.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Telephone #(required)

    Please be aware that this range is to be your total budget which will include my service fee(s) and needs to be realistic based on services you require.

    Event Date(s)

    Location (City/State or Metro Area)

    Venue (If you do not have your venue selected, please say so here.)

    Event Type

    Number of Attendees

    Event Colors

    Centerpieces (List type of flowers you like if known)- I personally provide live floral and alternative centerpieces only. If you require silk flowers, I have someone on staff that can provide that.

    What type of style do you like?
    Modern/Clean LinesRusticCountryCeremonialUniqueOver the topUnsure

    Additional Event Details (Any other details not already requested. Please know I do not copy other's work but do not mind viewing as a reference.)

    Attach Images/Files